Introducing Localli
Same-day Delivery
for Shopify Brands.
Localli is a fulfilment & delivery service that allows you to offer a same-day delivery experience for your customers conveniently from their checkout page.
Increase your store conversions
Offer an Amazon like delivery experience
Reduce your abandoned carts
Introducing Localli
Localli operates a network of micro-fulfilment spaces across the country in major cities, down to your nearest neighborhood.
How it works.
Same-day delivery in 3-simple steps.
1. Connect & send inventory
Install our app and connect your store. Import your products and send your inventory to any of our facilities or your most popular delivered city.
2. We sort and store
Our team will sort and store your inventory at our micro-fulfilment centers positioned conveniently near your customers.
3. Shipped & delivered within hours
Once an order is placed, we pack and send your order out using local courier partners. All tracked conveniently through your custom tracking page.
Custom Branded Tracking Page.
Customize your tracking page and create unique upsell experiences within one page to increase your retention rate. You can also track your sales generated from the tracking page in our beautiful dashboard.
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Affordable delivery without the wait.
For the same price as most standard shipping options, it’s time to upgrade your customer purchasing experience and increase your conversion rates, today!
Expanding to a city near you.
Localli is growing every month to offer delivery to your customers in as little as 2-hours. As we expand, so do you. Currently operating: Los Angeles and Miami
Frequently asked questions.
How fast is same-day delivery?
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Is it expensive to offer same-day delivery?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Tempora !
Where are these fulfilment centers located?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Tempora !
How will customers be able to choose this delivery option?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Tempora !
How can I get Localli?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Tempora !
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Get started with Localli today.
Localli is growing every month to offer delivery to your customers in as little as 2-hours. As we expand, so do you.
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